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Mushrooms! | Criders, Virginia

We have had soooo much rain lately and the mushrooms are popping up everywhere!  And are they ever beautiful!  I have always loved mushrooms.  Not necessarily eating them, but looking at them and admiring how unique and different they all are.  I love their colors and their textures and how fragile they are.  Douglas and I bought some mountain land in Criders, Virginia last year and we very much enjoy using it as much as we possibly can for hiking, camping, riding horses, riding 4 wheelers, and just picnicking and enjoying it’s beauty.  Last weekend we were camping with our horses and as we were riding our horses through the woods, I noticed and incredible amount of beautiful mushrooms growing… more than I ever remember seeing before.  So, naturally, I wanted to capture their unique beauty with my camera.  These are all mushrooms at Burns Knob in Criders, Virginia.   I am reminded of the beauty of God’s creation and how much we have to be thankful for.  God is so good!


katie yuen - August 19, 2012 - 10:32 pm

There are SO many different kinds! I never realized! I love when they pop up at my moms house in all the moss.. its so beautiful! Love your shots Gayle!

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