All I can say is YAY…Douglas and I are grandparents! God is so good. What fun and exciting times we have ahead of us! It’s hard to explain the love and the joy that we already have for our little grandson, Luke. I can see that being a grandma is going to be the best thing ever. Sweet little Luke Elliott Driver was born on 7/2/17 and he weighed 8 lbs 11 oz. and of course he is the most adorable little guy I have ever seen. 🙂 (One of the nurses at the hospital said I sounded just like all the other grandmas that came to see their grandchildren for the first time. Ha. Well, I don’t think so.) We are so blessed that our son Clark and his wife Brooke and little Luke live just a few miles from us here in Broadway. It is so nice to be able to see Luke several times a week (OK, I admit…I have seen him almost every day since he has been born) 🙂 Enjoy some of my favorites of little Luke and his sweet family.
Congratulations Clark and Brooke! We are so proud of you!